
As a golf superintendent I'm passionate about providing an enjoyable golf experience by producing great golf conditions. Each day I strive to improve conditions, and develop new ideas to give golfers the biggest bang for their buck. This blog gives me the opportunity to update golfers with my goals, ideas and course issues. I welcome input from the golfers I serve, thus giving me the ability to meet their needs.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pump problems

Well the irrigation is on, but now we are having problems with the pump. We are only able to operate with city pressure at this point, which is only 40psi and is 3 times less than the needed pressure to get sufficient water and coverage. The reason that we aren't able to resolve this problem is because the screen on the pump control panel is broken and doesn't show any readings to diagnose the problem. These screens are very expensive and we were able to get by without it last year, but my boss was able to find a screen for a reasonable price through a company in the UK. So we have it ordered and it's on the way. Once we install the screen hopefully, we will be able to diagnose and successfully resolve our problems. The greens are extremely dry and for now we are fortunate that we got a good rain this weekend.

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